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Power & Control

Bachmann 36-501 E-Z Digital Command Train Control Centre Bachmann 36-501 E-Z Digital Command Train Control Centre
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Bachmann 36-501 E-Z Digital Command Train Control Centre This allows the operator to digitally control speed, lighting and direction of multiple locomotives. NMRA Standard DCC, plug in wiring, simple on-track programming and 8 function buttons. Control up to 10 locomotives (1 analogue)
Bachmann 36-502 E-Z Command® Plus Digital Command Control System Gauge Bachmann 36-502 E-Z Command® Plus Digital Command Control System Gauge
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Bachmann 36-502 E-Z Command® Plus Digital Command Control System Gauge The E-Z Command Control Centre has been the entry point into the exciting world of DCC for thousands of railway modellers since the system was launched in 2004. The first commercially produced DCC system to be offered by a UK mainstream manufacturer, E-Z Command has provided an easy to use entry into DCC for almost two decades.…
Bachmann 36-556RA E-Z Command 90 Degrees 6 Pin DCC Decoder (Analogue Compatible) Bachmann 36-556RA E-Z Command 90 Degrees 6 Pin DCC Decoder (Analogue Compatible)
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Bachmann 36-556RA E-Z Command 90 Degrees 6 Pin DCC Decoder (Analogue Compatible)
Bachmann 36-557A 21 Pin DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function) Bachmann 36-557A 21 Pin DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function)
4 in stock
Bachmann 36-557A 21 Pin DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function) A 21 Pin (21MTC) DCC Decoder suitable for models fitted with a 21 Pin DCC decoder socket (do not use with the Bachmann Branchline Class 90 – use 36-569A with these models). This decoder replaces item No. 36-557 and can be used in any model for which item No. 36-557 is recommended Highlights include: Dual-mode DCC/DC decoder with…
Bachmann 36-559 E-Z Command 8 Pin To 21 Pin Adapter OO Gauge Bachmann 36-559 E-Z Command 8 Pin To 21 Pin Adapter OO Gauge
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Bachmann 36-559 E-Z Command 8 Pin To 21 Pin Adapter OO Gauge OO Gauge Accessories for Model Railways Manufactured by Bachmann Scale 1:76/OO
Bachmann 36-562 6 Pin Decoder Socket with Wiring Harness x3 OO Gauge Bachmann 36-562 6 Pin Decoder Socket with Wiring Harness x3 OO Gauge
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Bachmann 36-562 6 Pin Decoder Socket with Wiring Harness x3 OO Gauge OO Gauge Accessories for Model Railways Manufactured by Bachmann Scale 1:76/OO
Bachmann 36-564 8 Pin Decoder Socket with Harness x1 OO Gauge Bachmann 36-564 8 Pin Decoder Socket with Harness x1 OO Gauge
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Bachmann 36-564 8 Pin Decoder Socket with Harness x1 OO Gauge OO Gauge Accessories for Model Railways Manufactured by Bachmann Scale 1:76/OO
Bachmann 36-565 Train Control System Bachmann 36-565 Train Control System
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Bachmann 36-565 Train Control System 36-565 Bachmann Power Controller and Transformer. Supplies 12v dc to the track to power your trains.
Bachmann 36-566A 8 Pin DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function) Bachmann 36-566A 8 Pin DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function)
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Bachmann 36-566A 8 Pin DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function) A 8 Pin (NEM652) DCC Decoder suitable for models fitted with a 8 Pin DCC decoder socket. This decoder replaces item No. 36-566 and can be used in any model for which item No. 36-566 is recommended Highlights include: Dual-mode DCC/DC decoder with Back EMF function 4 powered function outputs 0.9A continuous load RailComPlus® for a…
Bachmann 36-567A Next18 DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function) Bachmann 36-567A Next18 DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function)
2 in stock
Next18 DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function) A Next18 (NEM662) DCC Decoder with brake Button function for realistic control. Suitable for models fitted with a Next18 DCC decoder socket. This decoder replaces item Nos. 36-567 and 36-567B and can be used in any model for which item Nos. 36-567 or 36-567B are recommended Highlights include: Multi-mode (NMRA-DCC format, Motorola protocol, DC A…
Bachmann 36-568A 6 Pin DCC NEM 651 Loco-Decoder With Back EMF featuring Railcom® Bachmann 36-568A 6 Pin DCC NEM 651 Loco-Decoder With Back EMF featuring Railcom®
6 in stock
Bachmann 36-568A 6 Pin DCC NEM 651 Loco-Decoder With Back EMF featuring Railcom� Also suitable for Graham Farish N Gauge for Model Railways Manufactured by Bachmann Scale 1:148/N Features: - 4 amplified functions - 2 logic level functions - Back EMF - 0.8amp - Analogue compatible - 6 pin interface
Bachmann 36-569 Class 90 Loco Decoder OO Gauge Bachmann 36-569 Class 90 Loco Decoder OO Gauge
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Bachmann 36-569 Class 90 Loco Decoder OO Gauge OO Gauge Accessories for Model Railways Manufactured by Bachmann Scale 1:76/OO The Class 90 is the first British outline electric locomotive to feature a servo motor-operated Pantograph which can be raised or lowered when using Digital Command Control (DCC). To operate the pantograph, a DCC decoder which is configured for servo motor operation must be…


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